Membership Application


We are pleased that you are interested in becoming a member of our beautiful and historic Woman's Club of Coconut Grove.

The Woman's Club of Coconut Grove is a nonprofit organization dedicated to enriching the Miami community through the promotion of public welfare, education, civic improvement, historic preservation and the advancement of the arts and culture while fostering good fellowship among its members. Our motto is Lend a Hand.

Listed below are the requirements which you will need to accomplish your membership. Please do not hesitate to contact your mentors if you need assistance:

You will need to find two (2) members who are willing and responsible to be your mentors, for guidance in your first few steps to becoming a member.

  1. Volunteer at two (2) WCCG Club events.
  2. Attend two (2) WCCG Club events. "If you choose to attend luncheons as part of your events requirements, please be advised that you will pay the non-member price of $30.00, and may attend only two luncheons until you have achieved full membership. Thank you for your understanding"
  3. When you have completed your application requirements, have each of your mentors write a reference letter about you. This letter from your Mentors, should come to the Membership Chair, as soon as you have completed the prior listed tasks toward your membership.
  4. Upon receipt of the reference letters from your Mentors, your name will be 1.) voted on by the full board and then again 2.) by the General Membership of the Woman’s Club of Coconut Grove Florida.
  5. Please choose a committee to join. To assist your choice you are welcome to attend one committee meeting per your interest, to be sure their activities meet your needs and expectations. The Committees are listed on the website.

NOTE: Your application should be completed within three months. We will need to move on and consider it withdrawn if it is not completed within that time frame. You may have a second attempt to apply and yet that application will be considered your last attempt, if it is not completed within another three months. When two years have passed you may apply again. We encourage you to reach out if you have any questions or need assistance during this time.

Membership meetings are held on a monthly basis (EXCLUDING June-July-August) and include a business meeting and a speaker. Our speaker series features both timely topics and historical perspectives.

All are invited to attend our monthly Membership Meetings to get to know us.

Membership meetings are held at the Clubhouse the 1st Thursday of each month:
10:30 am Networking
11:00 am Business Meeting
12:00 pm Luncheon
12:45 pm Club Announcements

You can begin the membership application process by competing the following form and sending your dues and fees. Complete as much information as you can. 

Membership Application (Jan 2025 Update)

Welcome and thank you for your interest in joining the Woman’s Club of Coconut Grove. To become an “Active Member”, please complete the following application process:


Events & Mentors

NOTE: The following items (#2 - #5) may be reported now OR as you fulfill the requirements to become a member. If you have not yet completed these requirements, just skip these items and submit  this form so you can begin receiving newsletters and notifications of upcoming events.

2. ATTEND: two (2) WCCG Club events. If you choose to attend luncheons as part of your events requirements, please be advised that you will pay the non-member price of $30.00, and may attend only two luncheons until you have achieved full membership. As a full member you will pay $25.00 and attend as many luncheon events as you like. Thank you for your understanding.

3. ATTEND TWO: Woman’s Club General Meetings or Events, for which you VOLUNTEERED (Include description and date)

4. TWO WCCG MENTORS: Must be current and fully paid members of the Woman's Club

5. Two MENTOR LETTERS of Recommendation: Your two mentors, who are current members of the Woman's Club, will each need to provide a letter of recommendation about you. Please ask them to forward their reference letters to the membership chair. If you don’t know anyone yet, please contact me so I may assist in this process. Cynthia K Shelley:

6. Headshot Photo of You:

7. SERVE ON A COMMITTEE: Active Members are requested to serve on at least one committee each year. Please indicate how you would like to be involved in a committee, by selecting one of the following options:


Types of Membership, Descriptions and Requirements:

    “ACTIVE MEMBERS” are those who have up-to-date applications including paid fees and dues and have been fully voted into Membership. They may enjoy all privileges, including holding office and voting.

    To become an Associate Member, you must be disabled or have been an approved Active Member for a year. Then you, the Active Member may be voted into Associate Membership status by the Board Of Directors. Associate Members are entitled to all club privileges, except voting and holding office.

  • DISABILITY MEMBER: Member with a Disability: Those with a disability would only need to verify their Parking Pass and send us a copy of their driver's license or some form of identification to qualify for membership.

Membership Fees: Active Associate Disability
Initiation: $25 $50 $25
*Annual Dues: $73 $98 $55
Name Tag: $15 $15 $15
Total Due: $113 $163 $95

*Includes annual fees for affiliation with the General Federation of Women’s Clubs-Fl

Thank You for your application to WCCG and interest in “Helping Hands” in our community. 
If you have questions, please notify Vice President-Membership, Cynthia K Shelley at
cynthiashelleyart@gmail.comor 305-297-9257, text or call.

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